Q: How do I place an order?
A: Add the desired item(s) to your cart and follow the check out procedures.
Q: Do you offer international shipping?
A: Yes.
Q: What are your shipping rates?
A: Shipping rates are calculated during the checkout process and are dependent upon the ship to location.
Q: How long are shipping times?
A: 3-7 business days for orders placed within the contiguous US states. 7-21 business days for international orders.
Q: Do you offer tracking for packages/shipments?
A: Yes, tracking is provided alongside the order confirmation.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: The item(s) must be returned within 30 days of receiving your purchase. The item(s) must also be unopened and in their original box.
Q: What is your exchange/refund policy?
A: A full refund will be applied for items that arrive damaged or defective. You may email contact@stradaracingclub.com to begin the exchange/refund process.
Q: Who do I contact with any questions and/or concerns?
A: contact@stradaracingclub.com
Q: How do I unsubscribe from email offers?
A: Open the latest email, scroll to the bottom and select the “unsubscribe” option.
Q: Do you offer coupon codes or sales?
A: Yes.
A: Add the desired item(s) to your cart and follow the check out procedures.
Q: Do you offer international shipping?
A: Yes.
Q: What are your shipping rates?
A: Shipping rates are calculated during the checkout process and are dependent upon the ship to location.
Q: How long are shipping times?
A: 3-7 business days for orders placed within the contiguous US states. 7-21 business days for international orders.
Q: Do you offer tracking for packages/shipments?
A: Yes, tracking is provided alongside the order confirmation.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: The item(s) must be returned within 30 days of receiving your purchase. The item(s) must also be unopened and in their original box.
Q: What is your exchange/refund policy?
A: A full refund will be applied for items that arrive damaged or defective. You may email contact@stradaracingclub.com to begin the exchange/refund process.
Q: Who do I contact with any questions and/or concerns?
A: contact@stradaracingclub.com
Q: How do I unsubscribe from email offers?
A: Open the latest email, scroll to the bottom and select the “unsubscribe” option.
Q: Do you offer coupon codes or sales?
A: Yes.